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If you had any idea... how many times I had to rewrite this book, I do think you would be surprised. As it is, I do believe that there are still weak parts, but that is not the main problem. This book is meant as a problem solving tool and the more it develops, the more problems it can solve. It made the writing hard, because as I progressed further, I had to go back and fix up things that I had developed a better understanding of. Many books about sciences are updated in their later editions. This page is meant to be a collection, chapter by chapter, of what I want to add or update in a future edition. Because how this has developed, these may be some of the most important points of the book. They will undoubtedly need development and to be fit in to what exists in the book, but they have to be put somewhere.

1. Preface

2. Introduction

Think about an ancient Greek philosopher standing in front of a column, holding his toga, with his other hand raised to make a point. Do you know what he was expounding? It was the Wisdom Of The Ages. It was called Natural Law. It was the order of the universe as the early philosophers like Aristotle and Cisero understood it and it was divine law as the religious philosophers like Thomas Aquinus understood it. Most people do not know of it, because it lacked the microscope and telescope of science. While it was wise and reasonable, Natural Laws were laws, human things and really they were not enforced. They were discredited and the wisdom of the Ages was expunged from human knowledge by science as religion had once tried to expunge the new knowledge of science. Our society has pretty much lost the entire philosophical foundation that was used by civilization up to this time and I am not excepting Locke. That is how much has changed, everything. Everything, and that is the point.

Though I think there is great wisdom in the people, the observations and the thought that "discovered" Natural Law, the thing is that Natural Law itself is without foundation. The reasoning was flawed. Even the parts we built upon are shakey. I need to research this more, but consider the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. The first is based on human law, the second more on Natural Law. According to how it looks, you can rely on the wisdom that created the concepts of Natural Law, but Natural Law itself is something of a "fraud" as far as being a law. So what do you do? The Declaration of Independence was a reaction. It was emotional and meant to be inspirational. The Constitution was very pragmatic. It was human law. Maybe that is the lesson. It sure would be nice to be able to rely on a law from a God or a Natural Law, but it just does not look like we can. We need to rely on human law. Part of that will be moral law. Part of it will b e science. Understand that moral law is going to be no more perfect than the body of law derived from the Constitution. Science is well known for its power and its limitations. No matter what impressions are given, science is a human thing and full of human motivations. At least it has self correcting forms built into it. They help. There is so much knowledge and wisdom available. There is reason to believe it will become more and more important as humans develop. Ultimately, truth will be about good, honest people. Still, law is about the most powerful tool we have for basing nations, society and civilization as well as self development and developing understanding.

3. Human Origins

4. Human History

5. Human Resource Strategies

6. Ecology and Genetics

7. Aspirations

8. Morality Introduction - This is the problem, we need new strategies to survive.

9. Energetics -

10. Reproduction and Disease
- Reproduction is the second foundation of the ecology of any specie. Because of its importance and because this is where it started, disease is added to this chapter.

11. Caste Morality
- The Nature and Potentials of Our Civil Ancestors.

12. Balance - Behaviors and Genetics
Through all of human survival is a need for balance. This chapter particularly focuses on topics that must exist in a balance. These are topics like risk taking, courage, faith, conformity and the like. These also include genetic components that must exist in a balance as well.

13. Individual Moral Topics

I have touched upon love before, but have never been satisfied with it, partly because I was looking for something I was missing and because of its seeming importance.

As far as Eros, that may have its importance, but I am not interested in that right here.

One thing I am sure of is love between two or more people, often referred to as friendship. The traditional reference of love, romantic love is so complicated and has so many complications and motivations. There is a purity to the love of friendship. In moral terms it is a good thing. In genetic terms, it is something to foster. Do not get carried away with a good thing, a balance must be maintained, but it is hard to have to much of the wealth represented by a good friend. It is such a great wealth that you do not need many. Some you may not see for long times, but they are still friends. This kind of love can be very long lasting, though what it means can vary greatly.

What I wanted to get at as far as love was I was looking for a behavior corresponding to the masculine behavior of control. I have said that I thought it was one of the few behaviors where we should probably consider changing the balance in genetic terms, not just in the moral environment of what is right and wrong. There are powerful reasons described by sociobiology of why a male would want to control females. That would be controlling the primary reproductive resource directly. Though it is a behavior that would have to originate with males, in the marvel of that is human adaptability, females can exhibit the behavior as well, though it is likely to be reduced. There should be something corresponding to it. I may or may not have that, but I did find one item as well as I came up with better understanding of love and there is reason to describe both. Keep in mind again, that any behavior may be more masculine or feminine, but do not think they are restricted to men or women. Oh and please do not bother to get offended. This is a difficult, deep subject and if you are getting offended, I doubt you are putting in the effort required to understand it. I guess I should add that I am not trying to make a point here, though might be able to. I am more interested in describing something, strategies, balances involved and possibly things to learn and perhaps even genetic based behaviors to husband. This is about thinking.

This first topic comes from the idea that about the importance of sex to love. Yes, the the raging hormones do rage and have great power, but anyone of wisdom can tell you that there are more important parts to love.


The next topic to consider would seem to be parental love and in terms of mammals, it seems appropriate to refer to it as originally a feminine behavior. It would logically seem to be the first form of love, one that existed before any complex social behavior. Though male assistance in nest building is a common mating behavior in various species, parental love almost certainly existed in mammalian females before any form of monogamy appeared. That does not mean masculine love is not old. Oh and please do not tell me that emotions like love are the exclusive property of humans. That shows an unfamiliarity with animals. Maybe a lot of smaller mammals do not exhibit it, but it seems visible in some primates, canines, cetaceans, elephants and various other animals. More to the point it exists in humans. Also, it seems fair to assume that there is not much of a masculine parental form of it in the case common to mammals of specie where the male is gone before birth. Again, in humans it is now common in males, even if not as common as in females. Some females do not even seem to exhibit it, which seems odd as it seems a rather simple older form of love.


Another form of love to examine would be masculine love which seems to be pretty specific. There is the term that "love is when someone else's happiness is more important than your own". OK. In terms of sociobiology, that makes sense for males. Really, monogamy is unusual in mammals, but does occur even in non-monogamous species when two parents are needed to raise the young. It makes sense in humans because of the long, demanding developmental period of human children. So what is the behavior that makes men stay. It is love, sure, but what does that mean? Well, in theory, that could mean that men are programmed to enjoy something about women. Sure, males are programmed to think that females are pretty (females too). That can only be a part of it though. How about we say that males are programmed to think females smell nice? The point is it must be understood that natural selection has led to the males being programmed to like something. Well, back to love. Males are programmed to be happy when their mate is happy. "When someone else's happiness is more important than their own". Again, this is a masculine behavior, but can be exhibited by either sex. That is good, because it is a critical part of something widely considered a good thing, a long, loving relationship between mates.


So if that is masculine love, is there a corresponding form of feminine love and what is its meaning? There is the form used for attracting a mate and keeping them around to help with raising the young. This is a simple form that promotes bonding. It is advantageous to the female, because it provides status, resources, security and protection. It may allow the children to survive even if she is injured or killed before they are mature. It may have preceded and led to masculine love. A male was responding to something when they developed masculine love. Since it is oriented around children, though not directed at them, it may also be what is exhibited when anthropologists say that "humans seem to be serially monogamous for 7 years at a time". It leads to many speculations.

* * *

There is another topic that might be important, because it is common in primates, though most common in harsh environments. That is feminine dominance. It can include aggressive behavior to inhibit other females from reproducing, to avoid their offspring having to compete with other female's offspring. It may go as far as killing other female's offspring. I have not seen much indication of it, but who knows. Actually, I would expect it to be rare, because the danger of retaliation would be too great. Still, feminine dominance may serve for status. It is commonly acknowledged that women often tear each other down. There is a term for it - "cattiness"... A topic to be considered.

14. Institutions - I call Institutions "multi-generational survival strategies". These are the ongoing requirements of human society and survival.

15. Moral Strategies
We survive and will face the future based on our strategies. Some of these are personal, some are of larger groups including society. This is the most observational section, because those strategies are the newest moral developments and we do not really know just how they will work in the long run.

16. Civilization - The New Ecology
- How do we get from here to this New Ecology of our Aspirations where we can survive and thrive? How can we preserve it? What is it? It is Civilization, but there is more to it than that.


About This Book - Because of its nature, this is important.